2 мин

Lines For A Prologue

These alternate nights and days, these seasons Somehow fail to convince me.

It seems I have the sense of infinity! (In your dreams,

O crew of Columbus,

O listeners over the sea For the surf that breaks upon Nothing—) Once I was waked by the nightingales in the garden.

I thought,

What time is it?

I thought,

Time—Is it Time still?—Now is it Time? (Tell me your dreams,

O sailors:

Tell me, in sleep did you climb The tall masts, and before you—) At night the stillness of old trees Is a leaning over and the inertness Of hills is a kind of waiting. (In sleep, in a dream, did you see The world’s end?

Did the water Break—and no shore—Did you see?) Strange faces come through the streets to me Like messengers: and I have been warned By the moving slowly of hands at a window.


I have the sense of infinity— But the world, sailors, is round.

They say there is no end to it.


Archibald MacLeish

Archibald MacLeish (May 7, 1892 – April 20, 1982) was an American poet and writer who was associated with the modernist school of poetry. MacLei…

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