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Two and thirty is the ploughman.

He's a man of gallant inches,

And his hair is close and curly,

And his beard;

But his face is wan and sunken,

And his eyes are large and brilliant,

And his shoulder-blades are sharp,

And his knees.

He is weak of wits, religious,

Full of sentiment and yearning,

Gentle, faded—with a

And a snore.

When his wife (who was a widow,

And is many years his elder)Fails to write, and that is always,

He desponds.

Let his melancholy wander,

And he'll tell you pretty

Of the women that have wooed

Long ago;

Or he'll sing of bonnie

Keeping sheep among the heather,

With a crackling, hackling

In his voice.


William Ernest Henley

William Ernest Henley (23 August 1849 – 11 July 1903) was an English poet, writer, critic and editor in late Victorian England. Though he wrote …

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