2 мин

A Busy Man

This crowded life of God's good

No man has relished more than I;

I've been so goldarned busy livingI've never had the time to die.

So busy fishing, hunting, roving,

Up on my toes and fighting fit;

So busy singing, laughing, loving,

I've never had the time to quit.

I've never been one for thinkingI've always been the action guy;

I've done my share of feasting, drinking,

And lots of wenching on the sly.

What all the blasted cosmic show meant,

I've never tried to understand;

I've always lived just for the moment,

And done the thing that came to hand.

And now I'll toddle to the

And light a good old Henry Clay.

I'm ninety odd, so Lord, please

My frequent lapses by the way.

I'm getting tired; the sunset lingers;

The evening star serenes the sky;

The damn cigar burns to my fingers . . .

I guess . . .

I'll take . . . time off . . . to die.


Robert W Service

Robert William Service (January 16, 1874 – September 11, 1958) was a British-Canadian poet and writer, often called "the Bard of the Yukon".

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